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Running a small business?

So what do you do for your non-core business tasks? One approach is to deploy resources / office; You'll still have to compete for talent with hundreds of other companies, sure the skills you need will be available. Or you can take advantage of technology and the simple fact that non-core administrative tasks don't have to be run from the same room – or even the same country – as for each other to work effectively.

There are benefits to having all your employees in-house, working together in one place. You know who’s where and what they’re doing, and there is certainly synergy for people, developing and building the culture that is your work environment.

At the same time, there are costs to having all your employees come into an office every day. These costs run much deeper than we tend to see on the surface, there are Physical Cost, Talent Cost and Employee Satisfaction.

If your first reaction is “My business can’t implement outsourcing,” or ‘’lose control and data security?’’ think creatively and look at the options available to you. The array of modern collaboration tools allows anyone to be seen and heard across the country and even around the world. Not only can we meet, but we can work shoulder-to-shoulder virtually through cloud-based technology.

Most businesses’ objections to outsourcing are fear-based. But with managed services we create a culture of a remote-enabled workforce and is increasingly common in the age of the network.

Have you been mulling over the idea of outsourcing? Aiming to boost your businesses’ flexibility and efficiency – SAIIOS offers structured and fully managed services to help your organisation transform with lightning-fast collaboration tools, contact SAIIOS

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